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Syrian Revolution News Round-up
Day 98: Monday, 20 June 2011
ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
اليوم ٩٨: الإثنين، ٢٠ حزيران/يونيو ٢٠١١
Deaf, Dumb and Criminally Insane!
Bashar Al-Assad reiterates his commitment to the violent crackdown against
unarmed protesters.
Assad speech meets with international condemnation and domestic ire. People all
over Syria take to the streets and express their rejection of Assad speech,
leading to mass arrests by security officers, including 150 students in the
University of Aleppo.[4] Security forces sweep Aleppo as Assad promises reform.
A senior Turkish official said on Sunday that Assad had less than a week to
start implementing long-promised political reforms before "foreign
intervention" begins, although he did not specify what this might mean.
We, the Conspirators, the Germs, the 64,000 Outlaws, hereby acknowledge that,
for all his insanity and all the nonsense and poison he spewed, Bashar Al-Assad
managed in his latest speech to make two good points at least: First when he
said that “There is no political solution for those who carry weapons and
kill.”This is exactly how we feel, and why we refuse to dialogue with the
Assads. He also made ample sense when said: “If a few thousands of those [i.e.
the 64,000 outlaws] wanted to carry weapons and engage in sabotage, you can
imagine what damage can be caused to the state.” This is exactly our point. The
protesters are unarmed, for had they not been unarmed, they would have wreaked
havoc on the country. It’s Assad’s own armies who are doing so.
But then, Assad went on to underscore his criminal tendencies and his
wholehearted commitment to the crackdown by saying:
“This is the most important, even if the crisis went on for months or years, we
should accommodate ourselves to it, we should corner it and make it limited to
those who are concerned with the crisis. Now we have an army there. Until the
army returns to their barracks, we have to support this army and ask for its
support everywhere.”
In short, Bashar Al-Assad reiterated his earlier declaration of war against his
people. So, it seems appropriate here to reiterate our commitment to the
Revolution meant to oust him and topple his regime.
This is Bashar Al-Assad’s own account of what happened in the Idlib Province
(other than his words, there is not a single shred of proof as to the veracity
of this account, not a single eyewitness report, nor a video or images of the
alleged sophisticated equipment he refers to):
“They started this in Jisr al-Shughour by committing the atrocious massacres
whose images we saw in the media, when they killed security men and destroyed
the Post Office. The Post Office is public property: people living in the city
use it. There is a great deal of hatred. The important thing is that they
possessed sophisticated weapons which did not exist before. They had
sophisticated communication systems. They moved to another kind of action. Near
the town of Ma’aret al-Nou’man, they tried to strategic fuel and gas depots.
They were able to take control of them. They surrounded the army units which
tried to restore them. We were surprised that they have modern four wheel drive
vehicles on which they installed sophisticated weapons capable of dealing with
helicopters. They also had communication equipment. They tried to commit
another massacre in Ma’aret al-Nou’man against a security check points. They
almost succeeded had not the people of the town intervened to protect the
patrol by hiding them in their houses. Some of the town people paid the price
by being tortured and having their bones broken. I appreciate the work of all
of those who took this patriotic stance and hope to meet them soon.”.
The Protesters as viewed by the All-Wise Bashar Al-Assad
(Besides being germs and microbes…):
The first constitute a part of our national component and all of the demands I
heard from them were raised underneath the national umbrella… Nevertheless,
there is a desire that it should be more comprehensive…. The second component
consists of outlaws and wanted for various criminal cases who found in the
state’s institutions an enemy and a target because they constitute an obstacle
for their illegitimate interests and because they are sought by the state’s
institutions…. You may be asking about the number of these outlaws and wanted
individuals? I myself was surprised with this number. I thought they were a few
thousand in the past. The number at the beginning of the crisis was more than
64,400 people. Imagine this number of wanted persons for various criminal cases
the verdict of which ranges between few months and execution, and they had
escaped justice; the verdict of 24 thousand of those is three years and above.
Of course, a few days ago that number dropped slightly to less than 63,000
because some turned themselves in to authorities. Thus, the number is 64,000,
may be more or less, and this equals in military terms almost five military
divisions, almost a whole army. If a few thousands of those wanted to carry
weapons and engage in sabotage, you can imagine what damage can be caused to
the state…. The third and more dangerous component, despite its small size,
consists of those who have extremist and takfiri ideology. We have known and
experienced this kind of ideology decades ago when it tried to infiltrate
Syria; and Syria was able to eliminate it thanks to the wisdom and intelligence
of the Syrian people. The ideology we see today is no different from that we
saw decades ago. It is exactly the same.
This is Bashar Al-Assad’s own account of the current state of the economy
(Obviously the protests and the sanctions are hurting):
“The most dangerous thing we will face is the weakness or the collapse of the
Syrian economy. A large part of the problem is psychological; and we should not
allow fear or frustration to defeat us. We should defeat the problem by
returning to normal life. Returning to normalcy has a moral impact, and the
economy is affected by the psychological condition of the population. We should
go back to normal life as far as possible… Here I want to express my thanks and
appreciation for all the citizens who have taken part in the campaign to
support the Syrian pound. There are people who have less than a thousand Syrian
pounds, yet they contributed. Some have thousands and they did the same thing.
One day, after we overcome the crisis, God willing, we should ask all those who
have money about the role they played, how they contributed to this
تعهد بشار الأسد الاثنين بإجراء إصلاحات في غضون أشهر لمعالجة موجة احتجاجات على
حكمه، لكنه أنحى باللائمة على من وصفهم بـ 'المخربين' في الاضطرابات وحذر من أنه
لا يمكن التوصل إلى اتفاق مع مسلحين. وبعد الكلمة التي ألقاها في جامعة دمشق خرج
متظاهرون إلى شوارع ضواحي العاصمة وفي مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية
وقال الأسد إنه يجب أن يبدأ الحوار الوطني قريبا لبحث تشريعات جديدة، بما في ذلك
قوانين للانتخابات البرلمانية ووسائل الإعلام والسماح بإنشاء أحزاب سياسية غير
حزب البعث إلى جانب بحث إمكانية إجراء تعديلات دستورية
وفي ثالث خطاب يلقيه منذ بدء الثورة في آذار (مارس) بدا الأسد متوترا حين تعهد
ببدء حوار وطني حول الإصلاحات وطرح احتمال توسيع نطاق قرار العفو الذي أصدره
مؤخرا، لكنه أوضح أنه لن يتنحى كما يطالب المتظاهرون
وفي واشنطن، ذكر البيت الأبيض أن الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما أجرى محادثات
هاتفية مع رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان، واتفقا خلالها على ضرورة أن توقف
الحكومة السورية استخدام العنف ضد المتظاهرين، وأن تقوم بإصلاحات ديمقراطية تلبي
طموحات شعبها
وفي السياق ذاته، قال الرئيس التركي عبد الله غل إنه كان يجب على بشار الأسد أن
يكون أكثر وضوحاً بخصوص الوعود بالإصلاحات التي قطعها في خطابه الأخير، وإن عليه
أن يحول سورية إلى نظام تعددي حزبي
وعلى الصعيد الشعبي، أثار خطاب الأسد - الذي ألقاه في جامعة دمشق - ردود فعل
سلبية لدى اللاجئين السوريين في مخيماتهم التي أقامتها تركيا في مدينة أنطاكية
الحدودية، والتي تستضيف أكثر من 11 ألف لاجئ سوري، حسب المصادر الرسمية، وأعرب
اللاجئون عن رفضهم التام لمضمون الخطاب ولدعوة الرئيس لعودتهم
[5]Al-Qaboon: Demonstration chants "Enough lies enough lies", [6]P2, [7]night
clips, [8]P2
[9]Al-Kadam: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [10]P2, [11]P3
[12]Barza: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech, "Oh Bashar you are
a big liar", [13]P2, [14]P3
[15]Kafr Sosa: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech
Damascus Suburbs
[16]Arbeen: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [17]P2, [18]P3, [19]P2.
[20]Night clips
[21]Dariya: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [22]P2. [23]Night clips, [24]P2, [25]P3
[26]Dariya: No enough petrol in the city and people have to wait a long time to
get some
[27]Zamalaka: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [28]P2
[29]Moadamia: Burn of Hafiz Assad photo in response to Bashar speech, [30]P2,
[31]P3, [32]P4, [33]P5
[34]Madaia: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [35]P2
[36]Harasta: Demonstration chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar"
[37]Harasta: Night demonstration chants Against Bashar and he's speech, [38]P2,
[40]Masraba: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The
people want to topple the regime”, [41]P2
[42]Al-Kiswa: Night demonstration, “We take death over humiliation.”, [43]P2
[44]Doma: Night demonstration to thank Aljazeera and response to Bashar speech,
[46]Qatana: Night demonstration "The people want to topple the regime”, [47]P2,
[49]Artouz: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech. Chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [50]P2, [51]P3
[52]Jobar: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [53]P2, [54]P3
[55]Al-Zabadani: Press release in response to Bashar speech, [56]P2, [57]P3
[58]Al-Tal: Demonstration chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar", [59]P2,
[61]Demonstrations in response to Bashar speech chanting "We don't like you" ,
[62]P2, [63]P3, [64]P4, [65]P5
[66]Al-Houla: The beginning of huge demo, [67]P2
[68]Der Balba: demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[69]Al-Khaldia: Demonstrators raised their shoes as a response to Bashar
speech, [70]P2, [71]P3
[72]Talbesa: Demo in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[73]Al-Kaseer: Demo in response to Bashar speech, [74]P2, [75]P3, [76]P4
[77]Al-Kaseer: General strike in response to Bashar speech
[78]Taldo: Demo in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want to topple
the regime”
[79]Baba Amr: Demonstrators chants "We didn't like your speech", [80]P2,
[82]Demonstrators hits Bashar Photo with shoes, [83]P2
[84]Al-Karabees: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to topple
the regime”
[85]Al-Dablan: People of Dablan promise each other to continue the revolution,
[87]Bab Sbaa: Night demonstration
[88]Bab Amro: Night demo asking Bashar to leave, [89]P2, [90]P3
[91]Al-Waar: Night demonstration The people want to topple the regime”
[92]Al-Rastan: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to topple
the regime”, [93]P2
[94]Student demo in response to Bashar speech, [95]P2
[96]Huge demonstration chanting
"Liar, Liar", [97]P2, [98]P3, [99]P4, [100]P5, [101]P6, [102]P7, [103]P8, [104]
[105]Demonstration before Bashar speech
[106]Tayba Al-Emam: Night demonstration in response to Bashar
speech, [107]P2, [108]P3, [109]P4, [110]P5, [111]P6
[112]Night demo in Al-Assi square, [113]P2, [114]P3, [115]P4, [116]P5
[117]Bansh: Demonstration, [118]P2, [119]P3
[120]Taftanaz: Demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[121]Refugees from Jisr Al-Shoughour demonstrate in response to Bashar speech
[122]Sarakeb: Demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[123]Kafr Nubbol: Demonstrators hit Bashar's photo with shoes, [124]P2, [125]P3
[126]Jabal Alzawia: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to
topple the regime”
[127]Sarmeen: Demonstrators chanting “We take death over humiliation.”
[128]Bansh: Night demonstration “We take death over humiliation”, [129]P2
[130]Daraa Al-Balad: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The
people want to topple the regime”, [131]P2, [132]P3, [133]P4
[134]Bosr El-Hareer: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech
[135]East villages of Horan, even the children's don't like you Bashar, [136]P2
[137]Al-Sanamin: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech
Deer Azzor
[138]Al-Boukamal demo ,[139]P2
[140]Al-Mayadeen: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people
want to topple the regime”. [141]Night Demo, [142]P2
[143]Al-Quria: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people
want to topple the regime”.
[144]Al-Boukamal: Night demonstration, [145]P2, [146]P3
[147]Night demonstrations "This revolution will win in the end", [148]P2,
[150]Demo in response to Bashar speech, [151]P2, [152]P3
[153]People of Lattakia chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar"
[154]Heavy security presence after Bashar speech
[155]Al-Tabiyat: Night demonstration in reply to Bashar speech, [156]P2
[157]Night Demonstration after Bashar speech
[158]Demonstration for Aleppo University students in response to Bashar speech,
[160]Security forces enter the Students accommodation and arrest students,
[162]Night demo in response to Bashar speech, [163]P2
Selection of Press Coverage
[164]Aljazeera: Assad returns to familiar themes in speech
[165]The Independent: Syria president blames crisis on 'saboteurs'
Selection of Media Coverage
[166]Assad blames 'conspirators' for Syria protests
[167]Assad gives mixed signals in speech
[168]القابون: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد "حاجة تكذب على حالك"، [169]ج2،
[170]مشهد ليلي، [171]ج2
[172]القدم: مظاهرات حاشدة للرد على خطاب بشار الأسد، [173]ج2، [174]ج3
[175]برزة: مظاهرات مسائية في الحي ترد على خطاب بشار الأسد وتدعو لإسقاط النظام،
[176]ج2، [177]ج3
[178]كفر سوسة: مظاهرات مسائية ترد على خطاب بشار الأسد
ريف دمشق
[179]عربين: مظاهرة أهل عربين ردا على خطاب بشار، [180]ج2، [181]ج3، [182]ج4،
[183]مشاهد ليلية
[184]داريا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [185]ج2، [186]مشاهد مسائية، [187]ج2،
[189]داريا: أزمة مازوت
[190]زملكا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [191]ج2
[192]معضمية الشام: إحراق صور الأسد ردا على خطاب بشار، [193]ج2، [194]ج3،
[195]ج4، [196]ج5
[197]مضايا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [198]ج2
[199]حرستا: الشعب يريد إسقاط الرئيس
[200]حرستا: مظاهرة مسائية تندد بالخطاب وتدعو لإسقاط النظام، [201]ج2، [202]ج3
[203]مسرابا: مظاهرات مسائية تندد بالخطاب، [204]ج2
[205]الكسوة: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [206]ج2
[207]دوما: مظاهرات ترد على خطاب الأسد وشكر لقناة الجزيرة، [208]ج2
[209]قطنا: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [210]ج2، [211]ج3
[212]عرطوز: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [213]ج2، [214]ج3
[215]جوبر: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [216]ج2، [217]ج3
[218]الزبداني: بيان لأهالي الزبداني للرد على بشار الأسد، [219]ج2، [220]ج3
[221]التل: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [222]ج2، [223]ج3
[224]مظاهرات الرد على خطاب بشار الأسد، [225]ج2، [226]ج3، [227]ج4، [228]ج5
[229]الحولة: بداية تجمع مظاهرة كبيرة ووصول القرى اليها، [230]ج2
[231]دير بلعلبة: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[232]الخالدية: رفعوا أحذيتهم ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [233]ج2، [234]ج3
[235]تلبيسة: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[236]القصير: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [237]ج2، [238]ج3، [239]ج4
[240]القصير: إضراب عام ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد
[241]تلدو: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[242]بابا عمرو: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [243]ج2، [244]ج3
[245]ضرب صور بشار بالحذاء ردا على الخطاب، [246]ج2
[247]القرابيص: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[248]الدبلان: قسم شباب الدبلان على مواصلة الثورة بعد الخطاب، [249]ج2
[250]باب سباع: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط الرئيس
[251]باب عمرو: هتافات المتظاهرين "تسقط كل الألاعيب كشر عن أنيابه هالديب"،
[252]ج2، [253]ج3
[254]الوعر: مظاهرات مسائية تهتف الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام [255]الرستن: مظاهرات
ردا على خطاب الأسد، [256]ج2
[257]مظاهرات الطلاب ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [258]ج2
[259]مظاهرة حاشدة في حماة بعد خطاب بشار: كذاب
كذاب، [260]ج2، [261]ج3، [262]ج4، [263]ج5، [264]ج6، [265]ج7، [266]ج8، [267]ج9
[268]مظاهرات قبل خطاب بشار للرد عليه سلفا
[269]طيبة الإمام: مظاهرة مسائية ردا على خطاب
بشار، [270]ج2، [271]ج3، [272]ج4، [273]ج5، [274]ج6
[275]مظاهرة مسائية في ساحة العاصي، [276]ج2، [277]ج3، [278]ج4، [279]ج5
[280]بنش: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسدن، [281]ج2، [282]ج3
[283]تفتناز: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[284]لاجئون من جسر الشغور يردون على إدعاءات بشار الأسد في خطابه
[285]سراقب: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[286]كفر نبل: متظاهرون قاموا برمي صورة بشار بالأحذية ردا على خطابه، [287]ج2،
[289]جبل الزاوية: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[290]سرمين: مظاهرات حاشدة تهتف "الموت ولا المذلة" بعد خطاب الأسد
[291]بنش: مظاهرات مسائية "الموت ولا المذلة"، [292]ج2
[293]درعا البلد: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [294]ج2، [295]ج3، [296]ج4
[297]بصر الحرير: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[298]قرى حوران الشرقية، حتى أطفالنا يكرهوك يا بشار، [299]ج2
[300]الصنمين: رد أهالي الصنمين على خطاب بشار الأسد
دير الزور
[301]البوكمال: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسدن ،[302]ج2، [303]مظاهرات مسائية،
[305]الميادين: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[306]القورية: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[307]البوكمال: مظاهرات تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [308]ج2، [309]ج3
[310]مظاهرات مسائية: إيه يا الله إيه يا الله منصورين بعون الله، [311]ج2،
[313]مظاهرات للرد على خطاب بشار، [314]ج2، [315]ج3
[316]مظاهرات ترفع شعار: يا بشار يا كذاب تضرب إنت وهالخطاب
[317]تواجد أمني كثيف بعد خطاب بشار
[318]الطابيات: مظاهرات مسائية في حي الطابيات ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [319]ج2
[320]مظاهرة مسائية في حلب تندد بخطاب بشار الأسد
[321]مظاهرة طلاب المدينة الجامعية ردا على خطاب بشار، [322]ج2
[323]إقتحام قوات الأمن للسكن الجامعي وإعتقال الطلاب، [324]ج2
[325]مظاهرة مسائية ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [326]ج2
بعض من التغطية الصحفية
[327]الجزيرة نت: فض دولي وشعبي لخطاب الأسد
[328]العربية نت: الأسد: الحوار الوطني عنوان المرحلة الحالية، لا إصلاح مع
[329]القدس العربي: الأسد يلقي باللائمة على 'مخربين' ويتعهد بإجراء إصلاحات
بعض من التغطية التلفزيونية
[330]الجزيرة: وعود بشار بالإصلاح تصطدم بالإحتجاجات المتواصلة
[331]العربية: المظاهرات في المدن السورية ردا على خطاب الأسد
[332]الجزيرة: تغطية لخطاب الأسد
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
for more info, eyewitnesses or commentary
on events please contact:
Twitter: @Monajed
Email: ausama.monajed@gmail.com
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Syrian Revolution News Round-up ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية Ausama Monajed 11:06am Author is moderated
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Syrian Revolution News Round-up
Day 98: Monday, 20 June 2011
ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
اليوم ٩٨: الإثنين، ٢٠ حزيران/يونيو ٢٠١١
Deaf, Dumb and Criminally Insane!
Bashar Al-Assad reiterates his commitment to the violent crackdown against
unarmed protesters.
Assad speech meets with international condemnation and domestic ire. People all
over Syria take to the streets and express their rejection of Assad speech,
leading to mass arrests by security officers, including 150 students in the
University of Aleppo.[4] Security forces sweep Aleppo as Assad promises reform.
A senior Turkish official said on Sunday that Assad had less than a week to
start implementing long-promised political reforms before "foreign
intervention" begins, although he did not specify what this might mean.
We, the Conspirators, the Germs, the 64,000 Outlaws, hereby acknowledge that,
for all his insanity and all the nonsense and poison he spewed, Bashar Al-Assad
managed in his latest speech to make two good points at least: First when he
said that “There is no political solution for those who carry weapons and
kill.”This is exactly how we feel, and why we refuse to dialogue with the
Assads. He also made ample sense when said: “If a few thousands of those [i.e.
the 64,000 outlaws] wanted to carry weapons and engage in sabotage, you can
imagine what damage can be caused to the state.” This is exactly our point. The
protesters are unarmed, for had they not been unarmed, they would have wreaked
havoc on the country. It’s Assad’s own armies who are doing so.
But then, Assad went on to underscore his criminal tendencies and his
wholehearted commitment to the crackdown by saying:
“This is the most important, even if the crisis went on for months or years, we
should accommodate ourselves to it, we should corner it and make it limited to
those who are concerned with the crisis. Now we have an army there. Until the
army returns to their barracks, we have to support this army and ask for its
support everywhere.”
In short, Bashar Al-Assad reiterated his earlier declaration of war against his
people. So, it seems appropriate here to reiterate our commitment to the
Revolution meant to oust him and topple his regime.
This is Bashar Al-Assad’s own account of what happened in the Idlib Province
(other than his words, there is not a single shred of proof as to the veracity
of this account, not a single eyewitness report, nor a video or images of the
alleged sophisticated equipment he refers to):
“They started this in Jisr al-Shughour by committing the atrocious massacres
whose images we saw in the media, when they killed security men and destroyed
the Post Office. The Post Office is public property: people living in the city
use it. There is a great deal of hatred. The important thing is that they
possessed sophisticated weapons which did not exist before. They had
sophisticated communication systems. They moved to another kind of action. Near
the town of Ma’aret al-Nou’man, they tried to strategic fuel and gas depots.
They were able to take control of them. They surrounded the army units which
tried to restore them. We were surprised that they have modern four wheel drive
vehicles on which they installed sophisticated weapons capable of dealing with
helicopters. They also had communication equipment. They tried to commit
another massacre in Ma’aret al-Nou’man against a security check points. They
almost succeeded had not the people of the town intervened to protect the
patrol by hiding them in their houses. Some of the town people paid the price
by being tortured and having their bones broken. I appreciate the work of all
of those who took this patriotic stance and hope to meet them soon.”.
The Protesters as viewed by the All-Wise Bashar Al-Assad
(Besides being germs and microbes…):
The first constitute a part of our national component and all of the demands I
heard from them were raised underneath the national umbrella… Nevertheless,
there is a desire that it should be more comprehensive…. The second component
consists of outlaws and wanted for various criminal cases who found in the
state’s institutions an enemy and a target because they constitute an obstacle
for their illegitimate interests and because they are sought by the state’s
institutions…. You may be asking about the number of these outlaws and wanted
individuals? I myself was surprised with this number. I thought they were a few
thousand in the past. The number at the beginning of the crisis was more than
64,400 people. Imagine this number of wanted persons for various criminal cases
the verdict of which ranges between few months and execution, and they had
escaped justice; the verdict of 24 thousand of those is three years and above.
Of course, a few days ago that number dropped slightly to less than 63,000
because some turned themselves in to authorities. Thus, the number is 64,000,
may be more or less, and this equals in military terms almost five military
divisions, almost a whole army. If a few thousands of those wanted to carry
weapons and engage in sabotage, you can imagine what damage can be caused to
the state…. The third and more dangerous component, despite its small size,
consists of those who have extremist and takfiri ideology. We have known and
experienced this kind of ideology decades ago when it tried to infiltrate
Syria; and Syria was able to eliminate it thanks to the wisdom and intelligence
of the Syrian people. The ideology we see today is no different from that we
saw decades ago. It is exactly the same.
This is Bashar Al-Assad’s own account of the current state of the economy
(Obviously the protests and the sanctions are hurting):
“The most dangerous thing we will face is the weakness or the collapse of the
Syrian economy. A large part of the problem is psychological; and we should not
allow fear or frustration to defeat us. We should defeat the problem by
returning to normal life. Returning to normalcy has a moral impact, and the
economy is affected by the psychological condition of the population. We should
go back to normal life as far as possible… Here I want to express my thanks and
appreciation for all the citizens who have taken part in the campaign to
support the Syrian pound. There are people who have less than a thousand Syrian
pounds, yet they contributed. Some have thousands and they did the same thing.
One day, after we overcome the crisis, God willing, we should ask all those who
have money about the role they played, how they contributed to this
تعهد بشار الأسد الاثنين بإجراء إصلاحات في غضون أشهر لمعالجة موجة احتجاجات على
حكمه، لكنه أنحى باللائمة على من وصفهم بـ 'المخربين' في الاضطرابات وحذر من أنه
لا يمكن التوصل إلى اتفاق مع مسلحين. وبعد الكلمة التي ألقاها في جامعة دمشق خرج
متظاهرون إلى شوارع ضواحي العاصمة وفي مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية
وقال الأسد إنه يجب أن يبدأ الحوار الوطني قريبا لبحث تشريعات جديدة، بما في ذلك
قوانين للانتخابات البرلمانية ووسائل الإعلام والسماح بإنشاء أحزاب سياسية غير
حزب البعث إلى جانب بحث إمكانية إجراء تعديلات دستورية
وفي ثالث خطاب يلقيه منذ بدء الثورة في آذار (مارس) بدا الأسد متوترا حين تعهد
ببدء حوار وطني حول الإصلاحات وطرح احتمال توسيع نطاق قرار العفو الذي أصدره
مؤخرا، لكنه أوضح أنه لن يتنحى كما يطالب المتظاهرون
وفي واشنطن، ذكر البيت الأبيض أن الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما أجرى محادثات
هاتفية مع رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان، واتفقا خلالها على ضرورة أن توقف
الحكومة السورية استخدام العنف ضد المتظاهرين، وأن تقوم بإصلاحات ديمقراطية تلبي
طموحات شعبها
وفي السياق ذاته، قال الرئيس التركي عبد الله غل إنه كان يجب على بشار الأسد أن
يكون أكثر وضوحاً بخصوص الوعود بالإصلاحات التي قطعها في خطابه الأخير، وإن عليه
أن يحول سورية إلى نظام تعددي حزبي
وعلى الصعيد الشعبي، أثار خطاب الأسد - الذي ألقاه في جامعة دمشق - ردود فعل
سلبية لدى اللاجئين السوريين في مخيماتهم التي أقامتها تركيا في مدينة أنطاكية
الحدودية، والتي تستضيف أكثر من 11 ألف لاجئ سوري، حسب المصادر الرسمية، وأعرب
اللاجئون عن رفضهم التام لمضمون الخطاب ولدعوة الرئيس لعودتهم
[5]Al-Qaboon: Demonstration chants "Enough lies enough lies", [6]P2, [7]night
clips, [8]P2
[9]Al-Kadam: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [10]P2, [11]P3
[12]Barza: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech, "Oh Bashar you are
a big liar", [13]P2, [14]P3
[15]Kafr Sosa: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech
Damascus Suburbs
[16]Arbeen: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [17]P2, [18]P3, [19]P2.
[20]Night clips
[21]Dariya: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [22]P2. [23]Night clips, [24]P2, [25]P3
[26]Dariya: No enough petrol in the city and people have to wait a long time to
get some
[27]Zamalaka: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [28]P2
[29]Moadamia: Burn of Hafiz Assad photo in response to Bashar speech, [30]P2,
[31]P3, [32]P4, [33]P5
[34]Madaia: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [35]P2
[36]Harasta: Demonstration chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar"
[37]Harasta: Night demonstration chants Against Bashar and he's speech, [38]P2,
[40]Masraba: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The
people want to topple the regime”, [41]P2
[42]Al-Kiswa: Night demonstration, “We take death over humiliation.”, [43]P2
[44]Doma: Night demonstration to thank Aljazeera and response to Bashar speech,
[46]Qatana: Night demonstration "The people want to topple the regime”, [47]P2,
[49]Artouz: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech. Chants "The people want
to topple the regime”, [50]P2, [51]P3
[52]Jobar: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech, [53]P2, [54]P3
[55]Al-Zabadani: Press release in response to Bashar speech, [56]P2, [57]P3
[58]Al-Tal: Demonstration chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar", [59]P2,
[61]Demonstrations in response to Bashar speech chanting "We don't like you" ,
[62]P2, [63]P3, [64]P4, [65]P5
[66]Al-Houla: The beginning of huge demo, [67]P2
[68]Der Balba: demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[69]Al-Khaldia: Demonstrators raised their shoes as a response to Bashar
speech, [70]P2, [71]P3
[72]Talbesa: Demo in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[73]Al-Kaseer: Demo in response to Bashar speech, [74]P2, [75]P3, [76]P4
[77]Al-Kaseer: General strike in response to Bashar speech
[78]Taldo: Demo in response to Bashar speech Chants "The people want to topple
the regime”
[79]Baba Amr: Demonstrators chants "We didn't like your speech", [80]P2,
[82]Demonstrators hits Bashar Photo with shoes, [83]P2
[84]Al-Karabees: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to topple
the regime”
[85]Al-Dablan: People of Dablan promise each other to continue the revolution,
[87]Bab Sbaa: Night demonstration
[88]Bab Amro: Night demo asking Bashar to leave, [89]P2, [90]P3
[91]Al-Waar: Night demonstration The people want to topple the regime”
[92]Al-Rastan: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to topple
the regime”, [93]P2
[94]Student demo in response to Bashar speech, [95]P2
[96]Huge demonstration chanting
"Liar, Liar", [97]P2, [98]P3, [99]P4, [100]P5, [101]P6, [102]P7, [103]P8, [104]
[105]Demonstration before Bashar speech
[106]Tayba Al-Emam: Night demonstration in response to Bashar
speech, [107]P2, [108]P3, [109]P4, [110]P5, [111]P6
[112]Night demo in Al-Assi square, [113]P2, [114]P3, [115]P4, [116]P5
[117]Bansh: Demonstration, [118]P2, [119]P3
[120]Taftanaz: Demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[121]Refugees from Jisr Al-Shoughour demonstrate in response to Bashar speech
[122]Sarakeb: Demo in response to Bashar speech chants "The people want to
topple the regime”
[123]Kafr Nubbol: Demonstrators hit Bashar's photo with shoes, [124]P2, [125]P3
[126]Jabal Alzawia: Demo in response to Bashar speech: "The people want to
topple the regime”
[127]Sarmeen: Demonstrators chanting “We take death over humiliation.”
[128]Bansh: Night demonstration “We take death over humiliation”, [129]P2
[130]Daraa Al-Balad: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The
people want to topple the regime”, [131]P2, [132]P3, [133]P4
[134]Bosr El-Hareer: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech
[135]East villages of Horan, even the children's don't like you Bashar, [136]P2
[137]Al-Sanamin: Night demonstration in response to Bashar speech
Deer Azzor
[138]Al-Boukamal demo ,[139]P2
[140]Al-Mayadeen: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people
want to topple the regime”. [141]Night Demo, [142]P2
[143]Al-Quria: Demonstration in response to Bashar speech chants "The people
want to topple the regime”.
[144]Al-Boukamal: Night demonstration, [145]P2, [146]P3
[147]Night demonstrations "This revolution will win in the end", [148]P2,
[150]Demo in response to Bashar speech, [151]P2, [152]P3
[153]People of Lattakia chanting "Oh Bashar you are a big liar"
[154]Heavy security presence after Bashar speech
[155]Al-Tabiyat: Night demonstration in reply to Bashar speech, [156]P2
[157]Night Demonstration after Bashar speech
[158]Demonstration for Aleppo University students in response to Bashar speech,
[160]Security forces enter the Students accommodation and arrest students,
[162]Night demo in response to Bashar speech, [163]P2
Selection of Press Coverage
[164]Aljazeera: Assad returns to familiar themes in speech
[165]The Independent: Syria president blames crisis on 'saboteurs'
Selection of Media Coverage
[166]Assad blames 'conspirators' for Syria protests
[167]Assad gives mixed signals in speech
[168]القابون: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد "حاجة تكذب على حالك"، [169]ج2،
[170]مشهد ليلي، [171]ج2
[172]القدم: مظاهرات حاشدة للرد على خطاب بشار الأسد، [173]ج2، [174]ج3
[175]برزة: مظاهرات مسائية في الحي ترد على خطاب بشار الأسد وتدعو لإسقاط النظام،
[176]ج2، [177]ج3
[178]كفر سوسة: مظاهرات مسائية ترد على خطاب بشار الأسد
ريف دمشق
[179]عربين: مظاهرة أهل عربين ردا على خطاب بشار، [180]ج2، [181]ج3، [182]ج4،
[183]مشاهد ليلية
[184]داريا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [185]ج2، [186]مشاهد مسائية، [187]ج2،
[189]داريا: أزمة مازوت
[190]زملكا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [191]ج2
[192]معضمية الشام: إحراق صور الأسد ردا على خطاب بشار، [193]ج2، [194]ج3،
[195]ج4، [196]ج5
[197]مضايا: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [198]ج2
[199]حرستا: الشعب يريد إسقاط الرئيس
[200]حرستا: مظاهرة مسائية تندد بالخطاب وتدعو لإسقاط النظام، [201]ج2، [202]ج3
[203]مسرابا: مظاهرات مسائية تندد بالخطاب، [204]ج2
[205]الكسوة: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [206]ج2
[207]دوما: مظاهرات ترد على خطاب الأسد وشكر لقناة الجزيرة، [208]ج2
[209]قطنا: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [210]ج2، [211]ج3
[212]عرطوز: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [213]ج2، [214]ج3
[215]جوبر: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [216]ج2، [217]ج3
[218]الزبداني: بيان لأهالي الزبداني للرد على بشار الأسد، [219]ج2، [220]ج3
[221]التل: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [222]ج2، [223]ج3
[224]مظاهرات الرد على خطاب بشار الأسد، [225]ج2، [226]ج3، [227]ج4، [228]ج5
[229]الحولة: بداية تجمع مظاهرة كبيرة ووصول القرى اليها، [230]ج2
[231]دير بلعلبة: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[232]الخالدية: رفعوا أحذيتهم ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [233]ج2، [234]ج3
[235]تلبيسة: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[236]القصير: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [237]ج2، [238]ج3، [239]ج4
[240]القصير: إضراب عام ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد
[241]تلدو: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[242]بابا عمرو: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [243]ج2، [244]ج3
[245]ضرب صور بشار بالحذاء ردا على الخطاب، [246]ج2
[247]القرابيص: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[248]الدبلان: قسم شباب الدبلان على مواصلة الثورة بعد الخطاب، [249]ج2
[250]باب سباع: مظاهرات مسائية تطالب بإسقاط الرئيس
[251]باب عمرو: هتافات المتظاهرين "تسقط كل الألاعيب كشر عن أنيابه هالديب"،
[252]ج2، [253]ج3
[254]الوعر: مظاهرات مسائية تهتف الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام [255]الرستن: مظاهرات
ردا على خطاب الأسد، [256]ج2
[257]مظاهرات الطلاب ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [258]ج2
[259]مظاهرة حاشدة في حماة بعد خطاب بشار: كذاب
كذاب، [260]ج2، [261]ج3، [262]ج4، [263]ج5، [264]ج6، [265]ج7، [266]ج8، [267]ج9
[268]مظاهرات قبل خطاب بشار للرد عليه سلفا
[269]طيبة الإمام: مظاهرة مسائية ردا على خطاب
بشار، [270]ج2، [271]ج3، [272]ج4، [273]ج5، [274]ج6
[275]مظاهرة مسائية في ساحة العاصي، [276]ج2، [277]ج3، [278]ج4، [279]ج5
[280]بنش: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسدن، [281]ج2، [282]ج3
[283]تفتناز: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[284]لاجئون من جسر الشغور يردون على إدعاءات بشار الأسد في خطابه
[285]سراقب: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[286]كفر نبل: متظاهرون قاموا برمي صورة بشار بالأحذية ردا على خطابه، [287]ج2،
[289]جبل الزاوية: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[290]سرمين: مظاهرات حاشدة تهتف "الموت ولا المذلة" بعد خطاب الأسد
[291]بنش: مظاهرات مسائية "الموت ولا المذلة"، [292]ج2
[293]درعا البلد: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد، [294]ج2، [295]ج3، [296]ج4
[297]بصر الحرير: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[298]قرى حوران الشرقية، حتى أطفالنا يكرهوك يا بشار، [299]ج2
[300]الصنمين: رد أهالي الصنمين على خطاب بشار الأسد
دير الزور
[301]البوكمال: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسدن ،[302]ج2، [303]مظاهرات مسائية،
[305]الميادين: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[306]القورية: مظاهرات ردا على خطاب الأسد
[307]البوكمال: مظاهرات تطالب بإسقاط النظام، [308]ج2، [309]ج3
[310]مظاهرات مسائية: إيه يا الله إيه يا الله منصورين بعون الله، [311]ج2،
[313]مظاهرات للرد على خطاب بشار، [314]ج2، [315]ج3
[316]مظاهرات ترفع شعار: يا بشار يا كذاب تضرب إنت وهالخطاب
[317]تواجد أمني كثيف بعد خطاب بشار
[318]الطابيات: مظاهرات مسائية في حي الطابيات ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [319]ج2
[320]مظاهرة مسائية في حلب تندد بخطاب بشار الأسد
[321]مظاهرة طلاب المدينة الجامعية ردا على خطاب بشار، [322]ج2
[323]إقتحام قوات الأمن للسكن الجامعي وإعتقال الطلاب، [324]ج2
[325]مظاهرة مسائية ردا على خطاب بشار الأسد، [326]ج2
بعض من التغطية الصحفية
[327]الجزيرة نت: فض دولي وشعبي لخطاب الأسد
[328]العربية نت: الأسد: الحوار الوطني عنوان المرحلة الحالية، لا إصلاح مع
[329]القدس العربي: الأسد يلقي باللائمة على 'مخربين' ويتعهد بإجراء إصلاحات
بعض من التغطية التلفزيونية
[330]الجزيرة: وعود بشار بالإصلاح تصطدم بالإحتجاجات المتواصلة
[331]العربية: المظاهرات في المدن السورية ردا على خطاب الأسد
[332]الجزيرة: تغطية لخطاب الأسد
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
for more info, eyewitnesses or commentary
on events please contact:
Twitter: @Monajed
Email: ausama.monajed@gmail.com
1. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/pages/Syrian-Revolution-News-Round-ups/108855819196476?sk=wall
2. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/pages/Syrian-Revolution-News-Round-ups/108855819196476?sk=wall
3. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/pages/Syrian-Revolution-News-Round-ups/108855819196476?sk=wall
4. http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/06/21/idINIndia-57814020110621
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d00k6awDEs&feature=youtube_gdata
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262. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttS515Gu44g&feature=youtube_gdata
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264. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGNeIVf4hg&feature=youtube_gdata
265. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFBH4V72eLw&feature=youtube_gdata
266. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4SYFp7ABgk&feature=youtube_gdata
267. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw0l9iYHwxE&feature=youtube_gdata
268. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZc3RGMgaAg&feature=youtube_gdata
269. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0Ckc2g24YU&feature=youtube_gdata
270. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWrV9Cs6wZ8&feature=youtube_gdata
271. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp3MZ2FUzIw&feature=youtube_gdata
272. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMr_jy8vUEQ&feature=youtube_gdata
273. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAKlFaXH3VY&feature=youtube_gdata
274. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBprKQryyq8&feature=youtube_gdata
275. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E49H-4zBlXg&feature=youtube_gdata
276. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbym5aMzKOY&feature=youtube_gdata
277. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8R7f-m_CiA&feature=youtube_gdata
278. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQaPIZ-eiIo&feature=youtube_gdata
279. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kJ4woFpuDo&feature=youtube_gdata
280. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZCnjieEaAw&feature=youtube_gdata
281. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPY9TSAn6yY&feature=youtube_gdata
282. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cAwH9c90Cg&feature=youtube_gdata
283. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcunKtuCGbs&feature=youtube_gdata
284. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VKyun7wPpI&feature=youtube_gdata
285. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8itgJyXUng&feature=youtube_gdata
286. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g_ajB4P3go&feature=youtube_gdata
287. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0lMKfLV_xQ&feature=youtube_gdata
288. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h4x4IYpm4I&feature=youtube_gdata
289. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dUqNT0r8w&feature=youtube_gdata
290. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otg-mbExQK4&feature=youtube_gdata
291. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udlJ7GBUJmA&feature=youtube_gdata
292. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPJSw-8uXZE&feature=youtube_gdata
293. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGjpM9ua_TU&feature=youtube_gdata
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295. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O1ZkWG4mLo&feature=youtube_gdata
296. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn5aeTll3rI&feature=youtube_gdata
297. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nNgGPbszHU&feature=youtube_gdata
298. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp4RhiaYznk&feature=youtube_gdata
299. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0r_fITgQCM&feature=youtube_gdata
300. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsUFRPQe4pg&feature=youtube_gdata
301. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BalYkWUSEhg&feature=youtube_gdata
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304. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au0qGDkuUDA&feature=youtube_gdata
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306. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fwjjOGiykk&feature=youtube_gdata
307. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-LqeXhDCMo&feature=youtube_gdata
308. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_HZuuCYCu4&feature=youtube_gdata
309. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kZzfK4_HS4&feature=youtube_gdata
310. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoFdy4GWAAA&feature=youtube_gdata
311. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwzZQZqtL38&feature=youtube_gdata
312. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oqBqjJ9jSk&feature=youtube_gdata
313. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gL03nUiGQg&feature=youtube_gdata
314. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9weMLIUb3U&feature=youtube_gdata
315. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_bY5QYcy4w&feature=youtube_gdata
316. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX49d3gr9Fs&feature=youtube_gdata
317. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DAR1-Hk2tY&feature=youtube_gdata
318. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGRarI7_0vY&feature=youtube_gdata
319. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGOZDx0eCsY&feature=youtube_gdata
320. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8VQ4k3_sTs&feature=youtube_gdata
321. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK-j33zVQ6o&feature=youtube_gdata
322. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ViWaWLIWsc&feature=youtube_gdata
323. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jln-sfGK93o&feature=youtube_gdata
324. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUXSvgD98qU&feature=youtube_gdata
325. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CJaMN2Mt1U&feature=youtube_gdata
326. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ9OS8uiorU&feature=youtube_gdata
327. http://aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/D9C26811-E447-4EBC-A45E-0840C97D200B.htm
328. http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/06/20/153991.html
329. http://www.alquds.co.uk/index.asp?fname=today%5C20m59.htm&arc=data%5C2011%5C06%5C06-20%5C20m59.htm
330. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D14FX6YLao&feature=channel_video_title
331. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyp0Jnrlxt8&feature=channel_video_title
332. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1CscI3JgZw&feature=channel_video_title
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الخميس، 23 يونيو 2011
Syrian Revolution News Round-up Day 98: Monday, 20 June 2011 ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية اليوم ٩٨: الإثنين، ٢٠ حزيران/يونيو ٢٠١١
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ForumDawn "ملتقي الفجر"
6:56 م

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